Sunday, October 12, 2008

A BOY’S TOUCH (short story)

This is one thing that I have learned after a tragic incident that befell us. When my brother passed away last year, it left us an unbearable pain and a very bog hole in our hearts. There were nights that I cry myself to sleep hoping that the emptiness that it caused me would fade away. I soon began to hide from the world’s lovely offerings. Afraid to get attached to something or someone that I would eventually lose, I refused to care about anything or anyone. I believe that if I do that, I would spare myself of the pain that my brother’s passing away had caused me.
Four months had passed and barely anything in our home has changed. My brother’s room was still as empty as our hearts were. Those bright faces that once greeted me every time I come home from school became now saddened and gloomy. That made it very hard for me to come home from school where I find myself out of the miseries that have long haunted us. I hate coming home and am welcomed with those sad eyes of my family. It felt that every time I come into the house, I am entering a very dark through. There were no more hugs from my mom or from any of my family members. It was never the case a year ago. They gave me nothing but a blank stare.
One rainy afternoon after spending a long tiresome day at school, I came home soaking wet and feeling very cold. The very second I entered the house; I came face to face with this boy whom I have never seen before. He was not more than three years old. He was thin, clad in shabby clothes, and looking very scared. His big round eyes kept staring at me. My mother who was sitting beside, him whispered something to him and right after that, he approached me and called me “Ate”. I got a bit confused about what was happening until my mother filled me in with what was going on. She told me that she adopted him and that we are the little boy’s new family. She also told me his story. From her, I found out that the boy was abandoned by his own mother when he was just a year old. The boy’s relatives took him in their keeping for two years and were treated no more than a house pet. Fortunately, a concerned aunt, out of pity for the boy, took him away from his relatives and gave him to my mother.
After learning his history, I felt a strange feeling towards the boy. A surge of protectiveness for him enveloped me.
We gave him the name Joross Joshua. At first, he was very aloof and was barely talking to anyone. There were times that he would grab me by the hand and would walk with me wherever I would go or he would just sit beside me as if he was trying to get security from my company. From being very thin looking very scared, Joross Joshua is now a healthy good-looking boy who, I’m sure, is feeling very loved and at home.
As each day passes, the dark corners of the house get brighter and brighter.
It was not only Joshua who underwent changes, but also us. Now, you could hear everyone laughing and bantering. I am glad that finally, sunshine now fills the once emptied room. And as for myself, I became always excited with just the thought of heading home after class.
Everybody would say that Joshua is very lucky for having us taking care of him. True, but I believe that we are luckier for having him as a new member of the family. It is because Joross Joshua brought us new warmth and love to our home. He was our lost brother who finally returned home.

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